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Due to an unusually high number of people calling for help, CRCKY will not be accepting new clients until January 28, 2025, unless it is an immigration emergency.
Children are now eligible to get the vaccine. Please call the Health Department (859-899-2222 ) if you have any questions. For more information go to:
Do you have questions about whether or not you should get the Covid-19 vaccine? If you are not sure what to do, please listen to what these medical experts and community leaders have to say in the linked video below.
I feel sick and worry I may have COVID-19. Should I go get help even though I don't have insurance or a social security number?
All people qualify for life-sustaining medical assistance. Under international conventions, in life-threatening situations, but particularly in a pandemic, international treaties ensure all people have the right to medical treatment. Non-citizens are medically treated for the benefit of the host country’s population too; this is practical and keeps the host country's population safe too. The short answer, unless the government defies international law and public health standards, it doesn’t matter if you can’t pay. If your life is on the line, call the hospital and tell them your symptoms and get instructions on testing and care. If you don't have a job or insurance, you will most likely be eligible for presumptive Medicaid. There will be forms for you to fill out after you are treated, but the bottom line is there will be a way to pay for it if you can't afford it. GO GET HELP!
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